Sidi, Association of Spanish manufacturers of design furniture for Office, Contract and Home. With a clear intention to internationalize the associated companies through participation in international furniture fairs.
The main feature was to create a joint image for all the companies, in order to personalise and present their products.
The figure of the Sidi & Tapas was created to find a playful point, where companies and customers could share a playful and distant moment around a tapa designed by the same designers of the products on display.
The tapa designed by Morgui & Súnico, was called “Nest of love” and was a bed of chips with a layer of mayonnaise and a fried quail egg on top.
It was a success and was taken for two years to all the fairs Sidi took part in.
Client: SIDI
Project: Food Design
Location: Orgatec – Colonia, Fira Hábitat – Valencia, Construmat – Barcelona
Year: 2005-2006